Sunday 24 March 2013

A familiar face and a coincidental name

We really live in a truly small world.  Or rather, I believe we have connections with people, spiritual connections, which bring them into our lives no matter how far apart or near we live or how much time passes between visits or interactions.

Yes, I know this is the day and age of the computer, twitter, facebook and all manner of technological wizardry which can connect anyone to anyone almost instantly.  So, really, it is all the more surprising that my Angel Card Reading lady turned up to my home, a stranger as far as I was concerned, only to discover that actually we lived a few doors apart in the late 80s.  This was surprising in itself that I knew all her family, her brother, her cousins, her mum, dad, nan and a bucket of vindaloo.. you know, just all of them in the road.  Which is a pleasant coincidence and we had a lovely nostalgic chat, how you do, about things that happened a long time ago and I was reminded of the invention of the video camera and how her cousin used to film the shenanigans that we all got up to.  I would love to see the film of myself  in the 80s and I asked her if she could get it copied onto a DVD?  But no, she is not technologically minded, she doesn't do computers and just about manages with her mobile phone. Oh, okay then.

A little chat later and the man in her life comes up in conversation.  She offers to show me a picture,  one that she does know how to call up on her mobile phone.  Of course, I would love to see a photo.  Ping...up pops a familiar face.  A guy I have known since 2005.  Our paths have crossed at various intervals.  We both worked in estate agency, we both attend the same spiritualist church, we have chatted in the street.  Yes, I think I can safely say that I know the man who is in her world.  180,000 people in this town, what are the chances of me knowing both a) her family and b) her boyfriend?

I would say very slim indeed.  But there you go.  That is life in the spiritual lane my friends.

Lots of love and light to everyone who needs it.

Tamasin x

p.s.  because my Angel Card lady doesn't even do email, she asked to borrow her married cousin's email address for me to send the typed up reading to...her married surname is Burgess.  (The same surname of my Granny, the name which surrounds my son at his Uni digs in Southampton!).

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