Sunday 3 July 2011

Time to rest and heal, long term stress takes time to get over.

I haven't forgotten my spiritual blog. The Truth is I am ill.  Not well. Under the weather.  I have been ill for over a week with some sort of hideous flu that I am trying not to complain about.  Needless to say, I am not a very good patient.  What I have done though is enjoyed watching Psychic Sally Morgan on Living T.V.  Yes, she gives good telly.  She speaks to the dead. 

I don't speak to the dead.  I link with spirit using my mind and translate the messages I am given.  Who knows if this is the same as talking to the dead?  One thing that I am sure about with mediumistic messages, they are very personal, both to the person receiving them and to the person who the message is meant for.

Whilst I am ill I am not working for spirit, well, not in the usual sense.  I had a tarot reading booked, the person didn't show up.  Not meant to work when I am ill.  I had an enquiry about a spirit writing,  maybe later in the year.  No-one has shown up at my door in need of counselling. 

I am guessing from this lack of 'use' by spirit that I am being given a rest.  A little breathing time to recuperate and recover from the stress of the year.

Lots of love and light to everyone who needs it.

Tamasin x

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