Sunday, 5 April 2015

Knowing me, knowing you

Apologies for beginning my blog with an apology, I know I am supposed to write more, it is in my nature. There have been a few little coincidences, which I didn't make time to blog about and now I fear they have escaped the permanence of being blogged about.

What I do remember from recent days? I know I have definitely been asked for directions more than once.

Standing on the corner of a roundabout. Yes, that is a thing. Loads of junctions all culminating in a roundabout at the top, I was on the corner of one of the junctions and a young Eastern European couple walked alongside me, clutching their iphone and looking lost. They had managed to get google map up, and in fairness to them, the depths of Essex isn't really very well signposted. I pointed them in the right direction and bounced off on my journey. A reminder from spirit that I am the person who knows the way. I can't exactly recall the other request for help, I think it may have involved someone pulling over in a car and me knowing where they needed to go.

I have experienced another batch of change this month, not least of which involved more steps towards becoming a qualified counsellor. This involved an interview, a group interview actually, not just me, where the interviewer thought she knew me, or had met me. I tried to explain I get this a lot, but I am not really sure how to explain people having a feeling that they know me, I mean, usually people actually mistake me for someone else, at least this interviewer just thought she had met me before.

I am pretty sure this is spiritual intervention, where angels and spirit guides draw close, bringing people together with a feeling of comfort, belonging and a knowingness that each other's company is familiar and safe. 

I know I have never seen her before in my life, the interview was at least 20 miles from home, not an area I have ever been to and our paths have never crossed, but it didn't stop her wondering where she knew me from.

Well, signing off trying not to promise to blog more frequently, it will only lead to the need to apologise more.

Lots of love and light to everyone who needs it.


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