Saturday, 6 July 2013

Twenty Universal Laws (10) : The Universal Law of Manifestation

The Universal Law of Manifestation

a) Everything manifest begins as a thought, an idea. 

b) Ideas and experiences create beliefs which in turn, create your reality. 

c) If you are unhappy with your current reality, you must change your beliefs and your behaviour. 

d) Beliefs can be changed when you recognize those that are not working for you, and begin programming what will create success and harmony in your life. 

e)The unlimited creative power of your mind, through dedication, awareness and training, can be the wisdom to rise above your Karma. 

f) Within physical and spiritual laws, you can manifest any reality you desire to experience. In regard to changing your behaviour, you must decide which disharmonious behaviour you want to eliminate. Then be aware that you don't have to change how you feel about something to affect it, if you are willing to change what you are doing.

Hello Blogger readers,

This is quite a big one then.  Dealing with change.  In fact, not just dealing with change but whether you can believe this Universal Law of Manifestation in the first place!

I am looking at this Law from my point of view, is there really any other point of view I could look at it from?  Well, I suppose I could look at it from a higher view point, taking in the bigger picture, but, since that is so far removed from my little human experience, I choose to break it down from (a-f) to see how I can understand this law.

a) 'Everything manifests begins as a thought, an idea.'  

Let's assume that this is true. I don't know why I am thinking up examples of where this isn't true!  Perhaps because my own efforts at manifesting anything intentionally have so miserably failed. One example that springs to mind of something that manifests without a thought is an unexpected pregnancy. Does that begin with a thought. Maybe there is a powerful anti-thought manifestation rule, something along the lines ...without control of your thoughts, without discipline, you can manifest all sorts of unintended events completely by accident. So, in order to play along with the universal laws, just in case they are real, I will give more credence to the power of thought.

b) 'Ideas and experience create beliefs, which in turn, create your reality.'

Great. Oh boy. This really is a vicious circle isn't it?  Our ideas lead us to our experiences, together creating our beliefs, we believe it because it is 'in our experience' and therefore we restrict our own experience of reality. Yes, I can see that. So in order to improve or change anything, it is our ideas that need expanding.

c)  'If you are unhappy with your current reality, you must change your beliefs and your behaviour.'

I guess first of all you must believe that you can do that. You need faith to know that making changes will make a difference to your life. You have to believe that you can do it, you have to change what you believe. This is easier said than done. But this is the bottom line. Taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviour is the first step.  

d) 'Beliefs can be changed when you recognize those that are not working for you, and begin programming what will create success and harmony in your life.' 

This can be the hardest part, getting to the bottom of a false belief, or a negative belief. Because it is such a deeply ingrained part of our psyche, it may be helpful to seek out the help of someone else, either in the form of a Counsellor or an understanding friend. Often our beliefs carry us through until they are challenged by someone else who believes something different. To begin 'programming' what will create success and harmony in your life.  Well, one of my beliefs is that there are no guarantees of success and harmony, I guess the positive elements can serve to make the experience more pleasurable and at least an improvement on unwanted behaviour. Again, I have uncovered one of my own negative beliefs, I shall start to unpick this one and start ignoring the 'there are no guarantees' mantra that often rears its ugly head. 

e) 'The unlimited creative power of your mind, through dedication, awareness and training, can be the wisdom to rise above your Karma.'

Lovely, what a nice idea, that the creative power of our mind is unlimited.  Isn't that amazing? To think that we can combat negative thinking, bringing the power to rise about our Karma. Yes, it would take dedicated effort, time, commitment and raised awareness.  

f) 'Within physical and spiritual laws, you can manifest any reality you desire to experience.'  

Now, that is a big statement. Really? It is possible to manifest anything?  I now have visions of riding an elephant down the high street where I have built a mansion at the bottom. This is perhaps my limited belief.  I find it difficult to believe this. So, right there I have uncovered another negative sense of disbelief and raised eyebrows.  

'In regard to changing your behaviour, you must decide which disharmonious behaviour you want to eliminate.'

Yes, deciding which behaviour is disharmonious, now there is a sentence worthy of a blog all by itself!  The big decision. Making that decision is a momentous step. Of course, depending on where you are on the disharmony scale, anywhere from suicidal, addicted to harmful substances, through hating yourself to just hating everyone else, the more layers you peel off, the more layers of disharmony there is to become aware of.   

'Then be aware that you don't have to change how you feel about something to affect it, if you are willing to change what you are doing.'

Hmm. Interesting.  If your actions can over-ride how you feel about something. Now therein lies the rub to getting over habitual behaviour.  For instance, something I have trouble with is taking sugar in tea.  According to this Law I may feel like one more spoonful of sugar in my tea, but despite feeling like I want two I have the power to change what I am doing and just have one sugar instead of two.  Maybe once you change what you are doing, you will then change how you feel about it. I will try it and see how I get on.

Lots of love and light to everyone who needs it.

Tamasin x

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