I have tweeted 7,777 times. Yes, that many times. I love twitter, people talk back. I also downloaded a new album and a single from itunes at a cost of £7.77. So, on the day I make this four seven tweeting, I also receive an email from itunes reminding me of my purchase.
I just love it when the numbers line up like this. Does it MEAN anything? No, I wouldn't have thought so, when I see three sevens I am usually reminded of one of my old friends. So, it will interesting to see if I hear from her over the weekend now I have been reminded again.
Happy Easter Holidays people x
Everything happens for a reason. Sharing my experiences of coincidence and synchronicity. Coincidences are the signposts on the journey of our life,whispers from the Universe and signs from Spirit to act as a reminder of spirit presence in our lives.
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coincidental names
Being asked for Directions
A day in the Life
Law of Attraction
spirit messages
Inspired writing
Coincidental Places
Coincidental numbers
Guardian Angels
Helpful People
Coincidental Animals
coincidental words
Being mistaken for someone else
Coincidental Songs
coincidental dates
the wrong number
Have you got a light?
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