Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The Phoenix revival

Since I blogged about the phoenix coming into my little world, there have been a few more "sightings" as it were.

I noticed a new sign in The Dragons Castle toy shop to say they have a new area out the back:

The Phoenix Emporium

I had a little chuckle to myself, I take a photo of the sign, to keep a pictorial record of these things that happen along the way as a reminder of my coincidental journey.

My teenage son came home from his little adventure to a local internet gaming cafe with his friends, oh yes, they had a new game today....Phoenix something... I am not even surprised now and we both have a laugh.

Then an invitation arrives for my son via facebook for a gig/18th birthday party invitation...the name?

The Blue Phoenix.

fab.  The Phoenix is definately making a revival.

Maybe it is the time of year, a time for rejuvenation after the long winter, we will all rise from the cold weather, the flowers will re-appear, spring will happen and we will have even more reasons to be grateful.

Love and light to everyone who needs it.

Tamasin x

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