Walking along, minding my own business, as best I know how. Spotted the lady who runs the spiritualist church down my road having a chat with a young lady holding a dog. I cross over the road to have a chat and the dog pulls on her lead to get to me, 'and what's her name?' I ask, even though I am feeling a sense of significance before the young woman replies 'Jessie'. Oh yes, my son's middle name. The name of his great-grandmother, the name he was going to be called until he was born and then he just didn't look like a Jesse. (Hence the name Charles).
We all have a chat about mundane matters, like me having a pair of trousers taken up for my son to go to college, and the young woman attending mid-wifery coll ege. As we walk off we are headed in the same direction and so we fall in step alongside each other, I explain about my animal communication and the young woman says she always feels her dog is sad, because she is looking sad. I link with the long-nosed dog (no idea what breed) and pick up a really solid, happy, secure energy but I am given a picture of a woollen blanket.
I say 'I am picking up a woollen blanket' and I rub my finger and thumb together to signify the importance of the texture of the cloth.
'yes, I have just given her a new duvet for her bedding'! the girl is pleased, she thinks I am referring to the new bedding
'no, it is a woollen and feels soft with a nice feel to it'
'oh, the old blanket? I threw it away'
the dog looks at me, seriously resigned ..I am sensing a missing blanket
'I don't think Jessie likes the duvet and she liked her blanket'
the young woman says, 'oh! I will go to Primark and get her another blanket, did she like that blanket? I didn't realise'
At least, I think this is the message, but I guess the young woman will find out by how Jessie behaves when she is presented with a replacement woollen blanket!
Love and light to everyone who needs it. x
Everything happens for a reason. Sharing my experiences of coincidence and synchronicity. Coincidences are the signposts on the journey of our life,whispers from the Universe and signs from Spirit to act as a reminder of spirit presence in our lives.
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coincidental names
Being asked for Directions
A day in the Life
Law of Attraction
spirit messages
Inspired writing
Coincidental Places
Coincidental numbers
Guardian Angels
Helpful People
Coincidental Animals
coincidental words
Being mistaken for someone else
Coincidental Songs
coincidental dates
the wrong number
Have you got a light?
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