Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Synchronicity for the day..or week..or maybe month..

This week, Tuesday to be precise, 11th May, the day the Government decided that the red party and the yellow party together wasn't going to work (although personally I had hoped the future would be orange) so they have opted for the blue yellow and green party - the rainbow coalition. Fingers crossed for that one.

I digress, on this day that will be memorable as the day Gordon Brown said Goodbye and David Cameron nearly wet himself on entry into No 10 Downing Street I was having a little coincidental moment of my own.

Small, in the grand scheme of things, I admit.  No, life changing or boss altering event. Just enough to remind me that I am in the right place at the right time.

I moved into my current flat at the end of April last year, it was a busy time and there seemed to be a never-ending stream of visitors that week and into the beginning of May.  The people knocking on the door included a guy from the National Statistical Office, he was so friendly and amidst boxes and general chaos he sat with me and my 16 year old son patiently asking questions.  It was the first social interview process I have actually enjoyed.  The guy was in his late 50s possibly early 60s and he was friendly, easy to talk to, he has been a Mormon and lived in the States and he had 6 children.  This is what I remembered of him.  Anyway, shortly after my move in here the sales on my Ebay shop just sort of dried up and it was costing me subscription money to keep the shop open, so I stopped trading on Ebay.

So, this year when the Stat Office requested that I do another interview, I was happy to oblige.  The guy who turned up wasn't Colin, but he looked similar, he behaved similar and we had a good laugh.  As soon as he said he had two children I knew he wasn't Colin and so we had a conversation about how he gets that all the time. People mistake George for Colin because they are so similar in age and to look at.  I explain that I love synchronicity and coincidence and he explained his daughter reads all sorts of things into coincidence! Funny, we exchanged a couple of synchronicity stories that involved his birthday and how he met a woman who had the same birthday and they in turn had children born on the same day and in turn grandchildren on the same day.

So, having established that the universe is complicated and wonderful but we really should get on with the survey. 'so, what's changed?' he said
'Nothing, except I no longer have my Ebay shop'
'okay, what date did you stop trading?'
'18th May 2009' I wondered why he was chuckling as he carried on typing on his laptop
'is that date significant for you?' I inquired sort of gingerly in case I was intruding on his private world.. or, maybe he was just slightly crazy
'yes' he nodded, still smiling to himself.  He looked up at me over his laptop
'that's my birthday'

I chose the 18th May.  I could have chosen any day in May, there was no rhyme or reason for me choosing that date and yet here I am, nearly a year later, having a conversation with a Statistical research guy reminding me that our paths have crossed for a reason and I take this coincidence as a little nod from the Universe/God that I am still in the right place.

Love and light to all you who need it


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